Our management team
We’ve built a highly seasoned management team who put our values at the heart of everything we do
Karl Gilbert
CEO, Co-founder
Richard Fulton
CFO, Co-founder
Jinden Badesha
Chief Product Officer,
Shane Linehan
VP of Marketing
Joanna Moore
Head of People
Adam Lusk
VP of Operations
Susie Powis
Head of Commercial
Jack Calvert
Director, Strategy & Analytics
Joaquim Rendeiro
Head of Engineering

Wider team

There are 65 of us in our Raylo offices in the UK. We’re a real business, building something different and we really mean it.

Our mission is to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. Consumers and retailers will only make that transition if it is cost effective and simple. That's where we come in. Our technology platform enables the lease-and-reuse of consumer goods, which makes them more sustainable, accessible and affordable.

We’ve started in the UK with consumer electronics, next up is bikes.